Inviting early-stage social entrepreneurs to apply now for the SHINE programme by the Swiss Re Foundation and get up to INR 20,00,000 in grants.

Why Apply?
- Hands-on support in developing a focused strategy and viable financial and execution plan
- Access to diverse experts from Swiss Re businesses and functions Business mentoring and leadership
coaching to accelerate the professional and personal development of the enterprise founder(s) - Financial grant of up to INR 2 000 000 to scale the solution
- Connections and visibility in the social entrepreneurial ecosystem
Who can apply?
Early-stage social enterprises with innovative solutions in:
– Transformation to Net-Zero (renewable energy, afforestation, recycling etc)
– Access to nutrition
– Access to health
– Climate-smart agriculture
– Disaster risk management
Programme structure
Phase 1: Application process for selecting the social innovator
- The submitted applications will be evaluated, and shortlisted entrepreneurs will be interviewed to select a winner who will enter the Action Learning Programme along with a cohort of Swiss Re employees.
- The winner will also receive the Shine Social Innovator Award including a grant of INR 500 000
Phase 2: Action Learning Programme
- The social innovator will team up with Swiss Re employees and go through an accredited Action Learning Programme facilitated in collaboration with our partner BOOKBRIDGE.
- During this immersive six-month journey, the innovator along with Swiss Re employees will together define problem areas for the business, engage with target communities, design and test solution prototypes and develop a viable business plan.
- They will then pitch this plan to the Shineʼs Investment Committee of experts with the aim to earn an additional grant of INR 1500000.
- The cohort will be guided throughout this process by professional business and leadership coaches in an open workshop setting.