Startup Gateway to Garbage Free Cities 2.0 – SIIC, IIT-Kanpur – ₹20L Grant


Eligibility Criteria:
Any Individual Students/Graduates/Researchers/Scientist/ Working Professional
Group of individuals, company, MSMEs, and start-ups registered in India.

Program Duration:
The program will run for one year.

Funding Support:
Funding of INR 20 Lakhs (supported by the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs)

Focus Areas:

  • Zero Waste: Finding ways to reduce waste to a minimum.
  • Plastic Waste Management: Developing methods to handle and recycle plastic
  • waste.
  • Waste Segregation: Sorting and separating waste effectively.
  • Innovative Waste Cleaning: Creating new solutions for cleaning up waste.
  • Real-time Waste Monitoring: Using technology to track and manage waste in real
  • time.
  • Emphasizing Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle: Promoting the principles of reducing,
  • reusing, and recycling waste.
  • Social Innovation for Waste Management: Encouraging innovative social
  • approaches to managing waste.

Zero Dump

  • Interventions for promoting door-to-door collection of segregated solid waste from
  • households
  • Low-cost, decentralized, and replicable solutions for segregation of mixed waste
  • Innovation in the mechanization of the cleaning process sweeping etc
  • Decentralized solutions for processing of all segregated fractions of solid waste
  • Innovative and scalable/replicable solutions for Promoting 3 R (Reduce, Reuse and Recycle)

Plastic Management Waste

  • Solution of processing and recycling of plastic waste
  • Solutions to minimize the degradation of plastic during recycling
  • Plastic waste management in eco-sensitive regions
  • Innovative methods for the collection of multi-layered plastic and its disposal
  • Technology for disposal of plastic from legacy dumpsites
  • Alternatives of single-use plastic
  • Change consumer behaviors and raise awareness around plastic segregation and recycling
  • practices
  • Standardization of packaging material to facilitate recycling and enhance resource efficiency


  • Tech innovations on real-time monitoring of operations in waste management infrastructure
  • Innovations that track the flow of goods from manufacture to the end of their life cycle or
  • disposal
  • Tech solutions that calculate the environmental, social and the economic price of goods,
  • especially plastics

Social Inclusion

  • Social innovations for improved waste collection and management in low-income settlements
  • Low – cost-efficient mechanical solutions for cleaning septic tanks and sewer lines ( Manhole to
  • machine hole )
  • Efficient operation and maintenance of community and public toilets in a hygienic and
  • sustainable manner
  • Safe containment, evacuation, transportation, processing and disposal of used water and fecal
  • sludge and septage
  • Decentralized / nature-based solutions for the treatment of used water
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