Waterbridge Fast Forward – $1Mn Seed Funding


Fast Forward helps accelerate your startup’s success with fast seed funding and a forward path

Fast Forward was launched in April 2020 and represents our focused seed investment programme. We invest in pre-revenue and pre-product companies as the lead investor and are happy to co-invest with angels, micro-VCs and other investors

  • Simple straight equity investment structure. No converts and SAFEs.
  • All applications will get a yes/no response with feedback. If yes, you are directly invited to video-pitch to a member of our investment team.
  • Follow-on capital eligibility on par with the rest of the portfolio. One of our partners will lead this investment and support you like any other company in their portfolio.
  • Introductions to our preferred list of co-investment partners to enable you to raise a larger round.
  • SaaS and Cloud credits upto an additional $250K.
  • If you believe this could work for you, apply below!

Every pitch gets a response

Seed funding is often subject to accelerator, incubator, cohort selection processes and delays. The funding amount is sometimes contingent on future deliverables. Or your pitch email may simply be ignored, lost or mistimed in an investor’s inbox.

Fast Forward cuts through the noise and gets seed capital into the hands of the most deserving entrepreneurs in an easy and transparent fashion.

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