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MUFG Innovation Partners
MUFG Innovation Partners

MUFG Innovation Partners

Creating the future of finance with startups.



MUFG Innovation Partners (MUIP) is the corporate venture capital arm of Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group (MUFG) dedicated to investing in startups worldwide while forming business collaborations with them. The firm aims to invest in start-ups that hope to transform the world of finance. MUFG Innovation Partners understand the need for innovative technologies that help people who do not have access to financial services.

By connecting MUFG with these innovative technologies from startups around the world, the firm aims to build a world where more people can access convenient financial services with confidence and peace of mind.

With an open innovation strategy, MUFG Innovation Partners currently runs 5 funds and usually invests in sectors like Finance for Business, Finance for Consumers, Fintech Enabled Marketplace, Enabler, Blockchain, and Streamlining. The firm invests in startups with an average ticket size of $2 million to $30 million and targets primarily startups that are in the middle to late stages of growth.

The firm's portfolio consists of notable start-ups like DotPe, Grab, Moneytree, BlueVine, Investree, Symphony, and Super Studio among others.


Core Team

Core Team
Nobutake Suzuki

Contact Information

Otemachi Park Building 7F, 1-1-1, Otemachi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan
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