GradCapital is investing USD 25,000 exclusively in student led Startups

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The recently launched initiative is on the lookout for startups led by students.


There’s only one prerequisite, you need to be a student or a recent graduate from college or school. Ideally, they are the first investors in the company. It also works if one of the co-founders with more than 10% stake in the company is a student

Support Offered:

  1. $ 25,000 in funding
  2. 8 week acceleration program
  3. Global Networking Opportunity
  4. Demo Day

During the 8-week long intensive program, the cohort of 10+ startups get to meet CXOs of formidable businesses, operators of great products, investors and other startups. These people will essentially drive success for the cohort. There is no application deadline. They accept applications throughout the year.

Selection Process:

We look at 3 things: the founders’ hustle, their market understanding, and the product they want to build (and its effect on the world). We believe founders are out there writing exceptional stories. And hence, our primary criteria will be around your grit, vision and understanding of things.

Apply here: Link

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