Website Capital2B
"To Be” is not a question but a possibility.
About the job
The role of research intern is to apply analytical and socratic thinking to arrive at an independent perspective and/or recommendation for an industry/technology/startup.
This would entail going deep down rabbit holes of concepts/ideas new and old and understanding their potential impact along the arc of time.
One would need to be not just on the top of the latest in news and topics of relevance but be able to discern signal from noise.
The nature of startups is mutation – they mutate to evolve – themselves and industries that they operate in or don’t. As someone who is looking for ideas and teams that hold that capability, you need to be really good at asking new questions and challenging old answers.
The ideal intern would be someone who has background in Science/technology with loads of curiosity and ability to understand business as well.
Undergrads pursuing any of the Sciences/Engineering.
To apply for this job please visit www.linkedin.com.