1. About the TATA Social Enterprise Challenge
TATA Social Enterprise Challenge is an initiative by TATA Sons and the Indian Institute of Management Calcutta (IIM Calcutta). It stands as a national-level challenge aimed at discovering India’s most promising social enterprises. The primary goal of this challenge is to raise awareness about Social Entrepreneurship and inspire the youth to become the next generation of social change-makers.
The challenge invites social entrepreneurs from all corners of India, whether they have an early-stage venture or an idea with a proof of concept. The key requirement is for the proposed venture to have a sustainable business model that generates a positive social impact. There are no restrictions on the business model, allowing for-profit, not-for-profit, or hybrid models.

2. Vision of the TATASE
TATA Social Enterprise Challenge aims to:
- Build an eco-system to encourage and support social enterprises in India.
- Create sustainable and measurable social impact through the social enterprises identified.
- Raise awareness about social entrepreneurship
3. Stages of the Challenge
- Application Round – In this round, teams are required to submit Impact Proposals through the Challenge website. The Impact Proposal is a detailed business plan format developed to capture the needs and the impact created by a social venture. The Top 100 Impact Proposals are selected for the next round.
- Regional Rounds – Pitching Rounds are conducted in 4 regions across the country for the Top 100 teams shortlisted from the application round. The Top 20 teams are selected for the Final round.
- International Round – An exclusive pitching session is conducted for the international teams participating in the Challenge, out of which the Top 4 teams are selected for the Finals.
- Seed Round- The top 20 selected entrepreneurs from the Regional Round pitch to the TSEC Seed Committee Members and the impact investors from the startup ecosystem.
- The Grand Finale – The 20 teams selected from the Regional Rounds make it to the Grand Finale and pitch to a panel of esteemed judges, consisting of TATA Business Leaders, CEOs/Founders of VCs, Social Entrepreneurs and faculty from IIM Calcutta.
4. Focus Sectors
- Agriculture, Food, and Dairy
- Healthcare, Water and Sanitation
- Technology and Development
- Education & Skill Development
- Housing
- Handloom & Handicrafts
- Energy
- Microfinance/Financial Inclusion
5. Eligibility
- The team can be represented in the competition by a maximum of two members
- There is no restriction on the age or background of applicants
- If the submission is an idea, a proof of concept (E.g. prototype) is required.
- If the submission is a venture, the venture must not have been in existence for more than four years
- The entries received will be recognized by the “name” of the venture/idea
- The applicants may or may not be Indian Nationals; however, the social venture should be aimed at creating a social impact in India.
- Enterprises that were selected as Semi-finalists in the previous year’s Tata Social Enterprise challenge will not be eligible for selection
- Business plans for the competition will be invited for all sectors including the following focus areas
- International entries will not be qualified to pitch for seed funding and incubation support
6. Judging Criteria
- The Business Model: Innovation and uniqueness offered by the business model, Clarity of the business model, and Financial feasibility of the business model
- The Social Impact: Nature of the metric used for measuring social impact, Quantifiable potential and social impact created (if applicable), and Empowerment of stakeholders involved
- Sustainability: Scalability of the business model, Feasibility of implementation plan, Clarity of vision, social and financial objectives, and Quality of the management team
7. Benefits of the Challenge
- Cash Reward: Cash reward upto Rs. 10 Lakhs for the winner, 1st and 2nd Runner-ups.
- Pitching Opportunity: All teams shortlisted for the Final Round will have an opportunity to pitch to some of India’s largest Impact Investors for further seed funding.
- Incubation: The teams that make it to the grand finale will be allowed to apply for incubation at IIM Calcutta Innovation Park.
- Seed Fund: Teams shortlisted for the Final will have an opportunity to pitch for Seed Funding of up to Rs 1 Crore (subject to fulfilling investment criteria and completion of final due diligence).
- Capacity Building Programs, Mentoring & Business Support: Knowledge sessions, mentoring, pilot/market connect, and collaboration opportunities will be provided to all shortlisted teams for the Final Round.
8. Application Process
- Step One: The user needs to create an account on the Apply Page.
- Step Two: Once you have created your account and filled out the Impact proposal (Application Form) click on Submit.
9. Timelines for TSEC
- Launch: 29 January, 2024
- Registration Starts: 29 January, 2024
- Last Date for Applications: 30 April, 2024
- Announcement of Shortlisted Candidates: TBD
- Regional Round: TBD
- Grand Finale and Summit: TBD