Unmasking the Truth: Revant Himatsingka’s Quest for Food Transparency and Health Awareness in India via his initiative FoodPharmer

Revant Himatsingka, better known as Foodpharmer, is on a relentless quest to make the Indian audience heath aware through food transparency.

Neuherbs: The Journey from a Startup to a Beloved Brand in Health and Wellness Category with No External Funding

Noida-based health and wellness company, Neuherbs, has become the go to brand for Indian consumers looking for products in the health and wellness segment.

Barbrew: Introducing Healthy Alcoholic Beverages with Fresh Flavors for Indian Tastebuds

Barbrew, a beverages start-up backed by ah! Ventures is introducing a fresh and low calorie take on liquor in India: Premium Hard Seltzers.

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