Linkin Park – In The End – Notes & Chords

In the End – Linkin Park – Piano Notes

Global Water and Wastewater Treatment Market Size

In 2018, the global water and wastewater market was valued at 265 billion U.S. dollars. The market is forecast to be valued at 456 billion U.S. dollars by 2026.

Land Degradation: A Serious Threat to India’s Food Security and Climate Change

Nearly 30% land in India, as much as the area of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh and Maharashtra put together, has been degraded. Read more to get insights on causes of land degradation, consequences and restoration methods.

India Retains Top Spot in Real-time Digital Payment Transactions in 2020

Ever since 2014, India has gained significant traction in digital payments. In 2020, at 25.5 bn transactions, India has retained top spot in the world in real-time payment transactions.

IIT Delhi Researchers Develop Zero-Emission Technology to Manage and Recycle E-Waste

Team of researchers led by Prof. K. K. Pant in the Catalytic Reaction Engineering Laboratory at Chemical Engineering Department, IIT Delhi has develop zero-emission technology to manage and recycle E-waste to wealth.

This Electronics Engineer Turned Farmer Is Now Helping Small Farmers with His Innovations

An extremely competent Electronics Engineer, Sanket Kedar, dropped out in the final year of college. He wanted to use his engineering expertise to solve major issues for small and marginal farmers.

Air Pollution is the topmost concerning environmental issue according to citizens across India

According to the survey published by Statista, Air pollution, climate change and over population were the top most concerning environmental issues in India. Water pollution, deforestation, water quality and dealing…

New Height of Mount Everest Declared by Nepal and China

Mount Everest, the Earth’s highest mountain above sea level is located in the Himalayas between China and Nepal is now bit taller. Nepal and China have jointly announced, the world’s…

Incentivizing Waste Management; This Jaipur-based startup collects waste right at your doorstep and pays you

The Problem The waste we produce everyday goes always ends up in landfills. In spite of having modern technologies like waste-to-energy, Plasphalt, Pyrolysis, the sheer scale of waste generation and…

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