EVangelise is a one-of-its-kind Electric Vehicle Innovation Challenge that will bring together innovators, institutions, state and central government bodies. It will consist of an annual challenge, with the inaugural edition being kicked off in July 2021. What makes EVangelise unique is its 7-month long program that comprises multiple stages and offers deep learning with exciting rewards at every stage. EVangelise will harness some of the brightest minds globally and use the power of innovation to address key problem statements of EV industry.
Whether you are a college student, an independent innovator, a researcher or a startup, we welcome all to participate in EVangelise, and come up with breakthrough solutions across different stages of the EV technology value chain.

Innovations aimed at increasing the efficiency of electric 2&3 wheelers by upto 25%

- Anyone can apply to Evangelise, be it a startup, Individual innovator, researcher or academician.
- Startups incorporated less than 5 years ago and not having significant revenue (less than INR 25,00,000)
- Individual innovators, researchers and academicians having intent to take it forward as a startup
- International innovators are eligible to apply.
- Innovation must include a hardware element
- International innovators or startups are encouraged to apply
- Project or concept must be part of the given focus area wholly or partly
- Presence of some innovative element or in house design.
- Pure trading and assembling is not encouraged
Apply here: https://www.evangelise.org.in/event